Death Grips oh Death Grips, how i love thee.
Death Grips was a music-collective that specialized on making experimental noise/rap music spanning from 2009-2025 consisting of lead vocalist MC Ride, drummer Zach Hill, and keyboardist Andy Morin.
I knew about DG since I was a youngin because, like how most people found out about Death Grips, Fatano kept on doing nothing but glaze them at every chance he had. At first I hated them, but after a couple years I went back to the Money Store and nothing has ever been the same. Their music is just way too good its unlike any other band I've heard before.
MC Ride brings some of the best energy I've heard any localist bring to their work, with some star examples being Come Up and Get Me and Klink, Zach's drumming abilities bring the crazy tempo to a next level on songs such as Section 2 on Steroids or Punk Weight, and Andy's riffs on songs such as Bubbles Buried in this Jungle or BB Poison are so catchy and memorable I find myself humming them all the time.
Check em out, and even if you don't like them at first like I did, you may learn to like them, so don't drop them too quickly because there is really something here that you won't find with any other artist, I prombies : )